
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jayne Clark

As it was in the past two years, the publisher / Travel Guide site allows readers to chime in on where they want to go next year. And the winner by an overwhelming majority? Turkey, with 51% of the vote from a list of 10 destinations, including Paris, Italy and Hawaii.
There's a reason these lists come out in the fall, when thoughts turn initally about where to go next.
"It's to get people to think about looking a new way of seeing the world," says editorial director of, David Lytle. "We should be inspiring to travel, even in a five-day holiday."
Is compiled a list of writers, editors, Frommer's, and tends to go for languages ​​outside-the-box, places that host the high-level event, or spots that have been activated, Lytle says.

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